
皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 experts collaborate across departments to offer comprehensive care for people with long-haul COVID symptoms. 我们利用我们的知识和专业知识帮助您从漫长的COVID中恢复过来.


Please note that we are temporarily suspending the acceptance of new Long COVID referrals. We are not able to accept new Long COVID patients and all referrals received will be placed on hold.



大约三分之一的冠状病毒感染者会出现长冠状病毒症状, 由美国定义.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as a group of symptoms that linger for weeks or months after a COVID-19 infection. 这些长时间的COVID症状可能会同时导致多个器官和身体系统出现问题. Even people who had a mild case of the virus can have persistent COVID symptoms that disrupt their daily life.

Specialists in the multidisciplinary 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 Long COVID Program are uniquely qualified to diagnose, 管理和治疗长冠状病毒(也称为SARS-CoV-2急性后后遗症)的症状, 或PASC).


准确的诊断: 我们知道,有效的治疗始于精确的诊断. 因为Long COVID是一种排斥诊断, our team uses a battery of tests to ensure that we rule out other undiagnosed medical conditions prior to confirming this diagnosis. 如果你之前被诊断为 COVID-19 and have symptoms lasting greater than 12 weeks, 联系您的初级保健提供者转介到我们的诊所. 在您被转介到皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康长期COVID计划后, you’ll receive a comprehensive evaluation from an internal medicine physician who specializes in long COVID so we can plan the right treatments and therapies for you.

定制的解决方案: Many people with long-term COVID have symptoms affecting the brain, nervous system, heart and lungs. 这就是为什么我们的团队包括神经病学、心脏病学和肺病学的专家. 在适当的时候, our internal medicine physicians who specialize in long COVID will refer you to these specialists, 谁会根据你独特的症状提供量身定制的治疗. 这取决于你的保险公司, we can also offer psychological support to address mental health issues that may arise from dealing with coronavirus and its lingering effects.

协调护理: As a multidisciplinary team dedicated to your recovery, we collaborate seamlessly across departments. We also communicate with your primary care doctor so they are involved in your care and support your recovery.

持续的支持: 从漫长的COVID中恢复需要时间. 当你需要我们的时候,我们就在你身边. 我们的团队将在您的康复过程中提供资源. 这是否意味着你要和一个支持小组建立联系, 协调额外的治疗或创建一个家庭物理治疗计划, 我们致力于帮助你现在和将来感觉更好.

被证明成功: 拥有近两年的经验,治疗过1500多名患者, we have honed our treatment algorithms to optimize chances of recovery utilizing an interdisciplinary approach to our patient's care.


作为长期COVID护理的领导者, 我们提供全方位的诊断, 治疗及支援服务. Whether you had a mild case of COVID-19 or a serious illness that required a hospital stay, 我们可以帮忙. 我们的护理领域包括:


Symptoms of long COVID, also called post-COVID syndrome or PASC, can mimic other health conditions. 事实上, these symptoms sometimes result from an undiagnosed health condition or an underlying condition that was triggered by COVID-19.

Our team of internal medicine physicians uses comprehensive health evaluations and the latest advances in testing to find the root of the problem and confirm a diagnosis of long COVID. 我们会确定你的症状是什么导致的,这样我们就能指导你康复.


长时间的COVID症状可能同时源于多个身体系统的问题, 需要多名专家的护理和治疗. Our long COVID program’s leadership includes experts from several departments and specialties, 包括:

  • 内科医学
  • 心脏病学
  • 神经学
  • 心理学
  • 肺学
  • 传染性疾病
  • 精神病学
  • 风湿病学

Each member of our team brings highly specialized knowledge to ensure that treatments are precise and effective. 作为各自领域的领导者, 我们一起努力,把你当作一个完整的人来对待, 不仅仅是你个人的症状.


Our compassionate team understands the physical and emotional toll long COVID can have on you and your loved ones. That’s why one of the pillars of the 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 Long COVID Program is comprehensive psychological support.

我们的心理专家提供咨询, 心理健康问题的治疗和定制治疗, 包括创伤后应激障碍(PTSD). 我们在这里支持你的康复之旅.


皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康长期COVID项目, 我们治疗COVID-19感染后遗留的所有症状. 许多这些长期症状会同时影响多个器官, 导致几个身体系统出现问题. 我们接受过特殊训练,治疗:


三分之一的长期COVID感染者会出现神经系统症状. 这些症状可能在最初感染COVID-19后持续数周或数月. 作为神经病学的领导者, 我们的专家治疗认知问题和影响神经系统的问题, 包括:

  • 新冠肺炎后出现“脑雾”(思维、推理或集中注意力困难)
  • 眼睛问题,包括视力模糊或重影
  • 头痛
  • 味觉丧失和嗅觉丧失(嗅觉缺失)


严重的COVID-19感染可导致长期心脏损伤. But people who had mild COVID symptoms can also have recurring or chronic heart and vascular problems. 这些包括:

  • 血凝块和静脉(血管)损伤
  • 胸部疼痛
  • 站立时头晕(直立性低血压)
  • 心跳过快或剧烈跳动(心悸)
  • 高血压(高血压)


长冠状病毒会导致肺部和体内氧气水平的持续问题. 许多长期经历COVID的人:

  • 咳嗽
  • 不费吹灰之力就筋疲力尽
  • 乏力
  • 缺氧(全身组织含氧量低)
  • 呼吸急促(气促)


感染COVID-19后会出现一系列心理问题. These issues can result from the virus itself or from the stressful experience of being treated for a serious illness. 他们还可能面临长期身体症状带来的挑战. 长期COVID对心理健康的影响包括: 

  • 焦虑
  • 抑郁症
  • 失眠和其他睡眠障碍
  • 创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)


Our experts deliver comprehensive treatments that focus on relieving long COVID symptoms throughout the body. 我们理解从长期COVID中恢复可能具有挑战性. 我们设计了这个项目来帮助你身体和情感上的康复. 我们的治疗方法包括:

咨询和支持: 我们有经验的, 富有同情心的心理学家治疗抑郁症, 长冠状病毒综合征可能导致的焦虑和其他心理健康问题. Offering therapy and counseling, we specialize in helping people with PTSD after COVID-19.

糖尿病护理: 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康内分泌学专家合作, 我们关心COVID-19感染后患糖尿病的人. 除了制定量身定制的糖尿病护理计划, 我们提供教育, 营养服务和支持来帮助你控制这种情况.

药物: 你是否需要药物来帮助你集中注意力, 焦虑和抑郁, 或者各种各样的身体症状, 我们的专家随时为您服务. We coordinate your care with experienced specialists from 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 pharmaceutical services. Together, we ensure that your care plan includes medications that are safe and effective.

物理治疗: 关节疼痛, 肌肉疼痛, and problems with lung and heart function can lead to long-term mobility challenges in people with long COVID. Our specially trained physical and 职业治疗师 are at the forefront of therapies that address these issues.

肺康复: Our respiratory therapists use the most advanced techniques to restore lung function and strengthen the muscles that help you breathe. 您的治疗可能包括定制呼吸治疗的组合, 呼吸练习和药物治疗. 我们会在你的身边,帮助你实现你的目标.


The 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 Long COVID team includes internal medicine physicians and specialists from cardiology, 传染病, 神经学, 精神病学和肺病学. 我们与物理治疗师合作, 职业治疗师, 药剂师和社会工作者提供富有同情心的服务, 综合疫情后护理.

  • Long COVID项目主任:Nisha Viswanathan, MD (Westwood and Santa Monica)
  • 长COVID项目助理主任:William Q. 皮特曼医学博士(韦斯特伍德)
  • 心脏病学:Mario Deng, MD, Jeffrey J. Hsu,医学博士,博士
  • 传染病:奥拉杜尼B. Adeyiga,医学博士,博士
  • 神经学:Elyse J. 歌手,医学博士
  • 精神病学: Helen Lavretsky, MD, MS; Hanadi Ajam Oughli, MD
  • 肺病学:Kristin E. 施瓦布博士
  • 风湿病学:Mihaela Taylor, MD


如果你之前被诊断为 并有持续至少12周的症状, 与您的初级保健提供者联系以获得转诊 into the 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 Long COVID Program.

You must have documentation of a positive COVID or nucleocapsid test (no exceptions are allowed). Proof of positive COVID Test (home tests not accepted) and a valid referral from a physician (available above) are required for evaluation.

在你的案例被审查并确定你符合资格标准后, you will be scheduled to see one of our internal medicine specialists to confirm a long COVID diagnosis. Our internal medicine team will refer you to other long COVID specialists, if appropriate.

If you need a 皇冠hga025大学洛杉矶分校健康 primary care physician who can refer you into our program, call us at 310-825-2631.

请将外部推荐人传真至 310-301-5391.


如果你之前被诊断为 并有持续至少12周的症状, 联系您的初级保健提供者,请求转介到Long COVID计划. 如需帮助寻找初级保健医生,请致电我们 310-825-2631.



并有持续至少12周的症状, 与您的初级保健提供者联系以获得转诊. Proof of positive COVID Test and a valid referral from a physician are required for evaluation.



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